Executive Design Leader, Creative Director, California Dreamer, L.A. Lover


Grid Online Magazine

As artists and designers, we all have different processes that inform and inspire our creative output. But, when you pull back the layers - whether vector or acrylic - behind it all stands the foundation for the piece, the grid.

Otis College Viewbook

Otis College of Art and Design’s annual viewbook showcases student work, campus life, and provides a view of the college to prospective students.

AICAD Branding

Conference branding and attendee materials designed for the 2019 Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design Symposium, “Include Me: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”

Case Study


University Rebranding

Rebranding an established university is not for the faint of heart. In 2011, I led the University of Southern California’s first enterprise-wide rebranding project in nearly three decades.